The Home Builders Association of Bucks and Montgomery Counties is a non-profit trade association representing the residential construction community.
We are one of Pennsylvania's oldest, largest, and most active HBAs. Our membership is a strong and diverse network of inspiring industry professionals who share strategies and solutions to promote, enhance, and support one another in today's home-building industry. Our retention rates are among the highest in the nation, which means our members recognize the value. Please read the following description to determine if your company would fall under one of our Builder Type Memberships or an Associate Membership.
Builder Membership: A builder member includes any person, firm, or corporation whose primary business is the construction of single/ townhome residential or multi-family housing and/or commercial property, the development of land into improved property, or remodeling or adding on to existing homes. They include small-volume builders, production builders, multi-family builders, custom builders, general contractors, and remodelers.
Associate Membership: An Associate Member includes any business related to the home building industry that provides products or services to builders, developers, and remodelers. These include Subcontractors, Suppliers, Real Estate Professionals, Finance, Engineers, Architects, Designers, etc.
Affiliate Membership Dues: To be eligible for an affiliate membership, you must be employed by a builder or associate member.
Professional Women in Building Membership Dues: To be eligible for a PWB membership, you must be the primary member of record or an affiliate of the builder or associate member. Membership in our association also includes complimentary membership in the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA).