PWB Proud Shirt Order
Order Deadline has Ended!
Check out the new PWB-branded shirt, designed exclusively for members of the Professional Women in Building Council!
Show your PWB pride by wearing this stylish shirt during PWB Week, September 9th-13th (or any day of the week!)
There are short and long-sleeve options and for additional company exposure, the option to showcase your company's logo on the back!
AVAILABLE OPTIONS: (See pictures below for cut)
To order short and long-sleeve options, click "Add Attendee for the 2nd option.
Add your shirt size to the comment section.
T-shirt: (Women's V-neck. Purple with white logos-all one color)
(See pictures below for cut)
- $25 with your company logo on the back
- $20 without your company logo on the back
- (Size 2XL-3XL, add $3 per shirt)
Long Sleeve: Women's Midi Cut (Grey with black logos- all one color)
(See pictures below for cut)
- $25 with your company logo on the back
- $20 without your company logo on the back
- (Size 2XL-3XL, add $3 per shirt)

Date and Time
Thursday Sep 12, 2024